Read the following email:

Dear Grandma,

How are you doing? I just got the confirmation email from Grandma, you didn't need to go and get me the ticket. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than ecstatic, but Charlie is super jealous. He is under the impression that you favor me and not him. Don't worry though; he's just being facetious anyway. So, I fly out of Vancouver at 6 am on the 2nd, I'll have to be at the airport by 5-ish, then I switch planes in Montreal. I have a small layover there, and hopefully I'll be awake enough to get myself a cup of joe. I'm really appreciative because of you letting me stay with you until I get on my feet in Nova Scotia. I mean, my job is paying me rather handsomely, but I'd like to feel out the town just to see where appeals to me. I'll be buying a house at some point down the road and maybe you can just stay with me after that point. I hate the fact that you pay rent; it actually kind of breaks my heart that you had no choice after grandpa passed three years ago.

What's new anyways? Have you been talking to mom much? She is so swamped that I hardly even get to chat with her myself, she apparently has another new boyfriend. I truly hope she settles down one of these days. Dad seems to have a great thing going with Rachel. She is really brilliant, kind and friendly, after all, she was the one that got me the job with this IT company. I’m really looking forward to my first day. Apparently, they really take care of their own. I heard that they have a casual orientation planned for all of us newbies, and I guess they take us out on the town to get us familiar with the city. It should be a blast.

Anyways Grandma, I’m off to get my things in order for the big move. I have two people coming to look at the apartment later on this afternoon and I should have everything solidified by the end of the week. Charlie was considering taking over, but had a change of heart at the last minute, he can be so spontaneous. I am counting down to my departure from this place, Vancouver is great an all, but frankly I am getting pretty sick and tired of this constant rain and dreariness. Rachel even nicknamed me “grumpy pants” because every time she saw me I was annoyed. But she’s sure noticed the difference since I decide to take on that job.

I’ll give you a shout by the weekend to let you know how everything went.

Lots of love,


"Practice Makes Perfect"


"Practice Makes Perfect"

"Building Bridges for Newcomers to Canada"

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